Sunday, December 18, 2011

Jason-Adam Tonis / Juche and Songun Study Group of North America Exposed!

by Comrade Crimson Arjuna, Sword of Songun

A warning to all Revolutionary friends of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Juche Thought:

Jason-Adam Tonis (who is active on social networking sites as Dae Baekgun, Wee Wee Rabbit and other aliases) "Chairman" and only member of the Juche and Songun Study Group of North America is in fact a long time anti-socialist, anti-DPRK, anti-Russian, pro-Globalist activist.

This silver spoon fed NYC metro-sexual exosed:

Jason-Adam Tonis is the #2 member of the "Manchuko Temporary Government" with the title of "Prime Minister".  This Manchuko government is a pro-Globalist anti-socialist group making advances towards the United Nations.

"Manchuko Government"

 The link above is a  highlight real of Tonis's true beliefs as the Manchuko group is obsessively pro-Japan and anti-China, anti-communist (Tomis professes to be pro-Stalin and Mao to some he is spying on), anti-"racist" (Tomis also advocates racial separatism to others he spies on) and most disturbingly militantly anti-DPRK, to quote,

"We put emphasize in watching the Korean peninsula's relation. If the two Korea are at war with each other. We will no doubly declare war on North Korea to fight the totalitarian Kim regime and liberate the North people."

Note the dates.  At the same time Tonis was writing this:

He tongues the toes of the Japanese along with his Manchu reactionary cohorts as if they were his 55 year old tranny possible police contact / boy-girlfriend's - then he attacks the Japanese attempting to curry favor and trust with the DPRK!

Did this pig think he was smarter than us all?

He stepped too far when he attempted to penetrate the anti-globalist organization New Resistance.  NR worked with him for a few weeks over the internet, never trusting him enough for a personal meeting, then quickly broke all ties with him after gathering as much intelligence as possible.

A New Resistance security spokesman had this to say when asked by Sword of Songun:

"Jason-Adam Tonis may seem like a sheep but his true nature is that of a rat.  He is far from harmless - in addition to whatever harm he has caused to the DPRK through his weekly contacts with DPRK representatives his initial manipulations within our own circles wreaked of COINTELPRO - turbulence was ignited between Juche Front and NR off his disinfo as a first example.  
 On top of this  he has repeatedly tried to drive a wedge between New Resistance and other revolutionaries  in North America and the Eurasian Movement led by Comrade Alexander Dugin.
This will not continue.
It's not hard to get to the bottom of Tonis's behavior.  The only one s who'd be interested in monitoring communications with the DPRK as well as running psy-ops against NR and our Eurasian comrades is the Globalist's intelligence agencies.
New Resistance urges all revolutionary organizations to break communication with Tonis and his fake Juche honey trap's pig work.
After the Revolution he will answer for his crimes.
Best regards to those sincere students of Juche and Songun and to Sword of Songun and the Juche Front for their  work spreading the Juche word."

To be continued.

Global Revolution Now!


Someone accused Sword of Songun of launching personal attacks with the "tranny" remarks made towards this dog. Really?